samedi 10 octobre 2020

Jazz in Saint Louis 1924-1927 (Timeless).

Timeless CBC 1-036 (1997). 

Chas. Creath's Jazz-O-Maniacs

Charles Creath (trompette, leader), Leonard Davis (trompette), Charlie Lawson (trombone), Sam Long, William Thornton Blue (clarinette, saxophone alto), William Rollins (saxophone ténor), Cranston Hamilton (piano), Pete Patterson (banjo), Floyd Campbell (batterie, vocal). St. Louis, v. 2 décembre 1924. 

1. Pleasure Mad (Bechet) 2:57
2. Market Street Blues (Creath) 3:14

Les mêmes. St. Louis, mars 1925. 

3. I Woke Up Cold in Hand (Creath) 3:06
4. King Porter Stomp (Morton) 3:06
5. Every Man That Wears Bell-Bottom Britches Ain't No Monkey Man (Campbell) 3:25
6. My Daddy Rocks Me (With One Steady Roll) (Barbour) 3:31

Phil Baxter and his Texas Tommies

Ray Millard (trompette), Al Jennings (trombone), Ole Wilkins (saxophones alto et ténor), Phil Baxter (piano, leader), Red Reeves (banjo), Shorty Johnson (batterie). St. Louis, 24 octobre 1925. 

7. If I Had You and You Had Me (Baxter) 3:07
8. Waiting (Baxter) 3:13
9. Something Tells Me (Baxter) 3:27

Palledo Orchestra of St. Louis

Musiciens inconnus: 2 trompettes, trombone, 2 clarinettes/saxophones alto, clarinette/saxophone ténor, violon, piano, banjo, tuba, batterie. St. Louis, v. 26 octobre 1925. 

10. What-Cha-Call-'em Blues (Roberts) 2:30

Chas. Creath's Jazz-O-Maniacs

Charles Creath (trompette, leader), Sonny Lee (trombone), Horace Eubanks, William Thornton Blue (clarinette, saxophone alto), William Rollins (saxophone ténor), Cranston Hamilton (piano), Pete Patterson (banjo), Zutty Singleton (batterie), Lonnie Johnson (vocal, violon sur 12). St. Louis, v. 4 novembre 1925. 

11. Market Street Blues (Creath, Eubanks) 2:45
12. Won't Don't Blues (Creath) 3:05
13. Way Down in Lover's Lane (unknown) 3:19
14. Grandpa's Spell(s) (Morton) 2:50

Bennie Washington's Six Aces

Andrew 'Big Babe' Webb (trompette), Harvey Lankford (trombone), William 'Weedy' Harris (clarinette, saxophone alto), Harold Este (clarinette, saxophone ténor), John Arnold (piano), Pete Patterson (banjo), Bennie Washington (batterie, leader). St. Louis, 4 novembre 1925. 

15. Compton Avenue Blues (Johnson) 3:04

St. Louis Levee Band

Jelly Roll Morton (piano, leader), musiciens inconnus: cornet, trombone, clarinette/saxophones alto et ténor, batterie. (Suggérés: Bob Shoffner ou Clifford King (cornet), Bill Matthews (trombone), Walter Barnes ou Edgar Green (clarinette, saxophones alto et ténor), Harry Dial (batterie), mais ces suggestions sont fortement hypothétiques). St. Louis, 12 mai 1926. 

16. Soap Suds (Martin) 2:55

Dewey Jackson's Peacock Orchestra

Dewey Jackson (cornet, direction), Albert Snaer (trompette), William Luper (trombone), William Thornton Blue (clarinette, saxophone alto), Cliff Cochran (saxophones soprano et alto), Willie Humphrey (clarinette, saxophone ténor), Burroughs Lovingood (piano), Pete Robinson (banjo), George 'Pops' Foster (tuba), Floyd Campbell (batterie, vocal). St. Louis, 21 juin 1926. 

17. She's Crying for Me (Pecora) 2:55
18. Capitol Blues (Jackson) 3:00
19. Going to Town (Jackson) 2:39

Jesse Stone and his Blue Serenaders

Jesse Stone (piano, arrangement, direction), Albert Hinton, Slick Jackson (trompette), Druie Bess (trombone), Jack Washington (saxophones alto et baryton), Glenn Hughes (saxophone alto), Elmer Burch (saxophone ténor), Silas Cluke (banjo), Pete Hassel (tuba), Max Wilkinson (batterie). St. Louis, 27 avril 1927. 

20. Starvation Blues (Stone) 3:10
21. Boot to Boot (Stone) 2:58

Charles Creath's Jazz-O-Maniacs

Charles Creath (trompette, leader), Dewey Jackson (trompette), Albert Wynn (trombone), Horace Eubanks, William Thornton Blue (clarinette, saxophone alto), William Rollins (saxophone ténor), Burroughs Lovingood (piano), Pete Patterson (banjo), possiblement Cecil White (tuba), possiblement Floyd Campbell (batterie). St. Louis, 2 mai 1927. 

22. Butter Finger Blues (Creath) 3:02
23. Crazy Quilt (VanLoan) 3:07

Compilé par, restauration audio: John R.T. Davies. 
Matériel original: John R.T. Davies et Brian Rust. 
Notes de pochette: Brian Rust. 
Discographie: Brian Rust et Wim van Eyle. 
Coordination de production: Ria Wigt. 
Producteurs exécutifs: Chris Barber et Wim Wigt. 
Direction artistique/design: Dolphin Graphics. 
Illustration de pochette: ULO. 


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